Area 3 Council

Area 3 Director - Sarah Thorne-Miller
Secretary - Karla Terry
Treasurer - Ann Christiano

Parliamentarian - Michelle Buckenmeyer

Co-Education Coordinator - Vacant

Co-Education Coordinator - Vacant

Development Coordinator - Lisa Traxler

Membership Coordinator - Debbi Durfey

Associate Member Coordinator - Nancy Weisbein

Public Relations Coordinator - Anita Prather Harvell

Quartet Promotions Coordinator - Rachael Storey-Chase
Youth Coordinator - Vacant

Website Manager - Anita Prather Harvell


Area Convention and Contests Team

Area Contest and Judging Chair - Erin Cassidy

Area Convention and Contests Team Chair - Janine Schindler

Facilities Coordinator - Dene Day

Registration Coordinator - Sharron Gilbert

October 25, 2024


Information on the Susan C. Trenchard Memorial Scholarship can be found here



Interested in serving on the Area Council? It takes all of the members to be successful and we have positions that my appeal to your particluar talents!  The list of vacancies are available here!


It's easy - contact your chapter president or the Area 3 Associates Coordinator for an application.  


The March 2023 Area Council Minutes, Area 3 Guide and the Area 3 Contest Guides are updated in the Members Only section!


 Join Us!

Want to sing with a bunch of ordinary women and make extraordinary music? Come to the Chapters page to find out how you can get involved with a chapter in your area.




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